Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

way to ruin my week biatch

wow this week actually started pretty good (: really fun, i finally got the chance to really open up to everyone. and i did, at least for a few days. i had sooooo much fun, like, i havent had that much fun in so long. so first of all, i'd like to say thank you, to everyone thats made me smile this week.

but then, *jeng jeng jeng* gue ditarik tarik anak cheers dong! wtf ya kalo emang ga ada peminat, cari peminnatnya baik baik dong jangan kaya gitu juga, orang lain tuh punya hak buat nolak woy.

ah rumit deh, mamah aja sampe ikut ikutan, terus bu gita dan temen temen kelas a

tapi makasih ya kalian semua, udah ngebantuin, making me feel special, meaningful to you guys.

dan maaf, kalo emang aku agak ngecewain, cant stand up for myself.

well hello again!

its teh first time i've blogged since cpd a week ago, yay! ya alloooooh, cape banget. dingin pisan. got to know nature. got to know pmr. got to know other people. got to know myself. tapi gila, DINGIN PISAN! udah mah ujan terus, angin gede, baju semuanya basah, ga boleh pake jacket, sleeping bag kotor, tenda kemasukan ujan dan akhirnya runtuh, oh god. terus belum dimarahin sama v12, v11 dan pelatih pmi. ah shit. but, i have to admit, it was worth it :) dapet syal pmr wooooooooo! :D

i stepped up di ciwidey :) aku jadi ketua regu ohyeah. im, sorta, proud of myself. go me! kalo ada photo photo, nanti aku upload deeeeh

Senin, 10 Januari 2011

your presence fucking disgusts me

tau ngga, hari ini hari pertama balik ke sekolah. it was actually pretty good, kinda awkward, but goood. i've had better. pulang sekolah, aku ke sekre, ketemu temen temen PMR. after awhile, aku pulang. seperti biasa, aku turun di pertigaan deket rumah dan dari situ aku jalan. pas aku jalan, this average dark blue-green kijang caught my eye. ga tau kenapa, tapi aku tertarik. dan pas aku liat, ngerasa kaya aku udah pernah liat. dari mana ??

the motherfucker was driving the bloody car. THE motherfucker. the motherfucker that nearly ruined my life. kenapa aku bisa tau? soalnya the 'person' driving the car wore the usual white shirt that THE motherfucker usually wears. tight, indomart-white shirt. fucking helll, i felt my heart drop and come back up all in just a second. fucking hell, that motherfucking motherfucker, FUCK! aaaaaaah tolong :'( he is the only person in this whole world that has hurt me that bad. tau ngga, gue sering nangis, begadang malem malem gara gara dia? tau ngga, gue pernah jatuh sakit gara gara ulah dia? A COMPLETE MOTHERFUCKING SHIT-DICK! THATS WHO HE IS. what a way to ruin my day. you disgust me

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

"Whatever happened to chivalry? Does it only exist in 80's movies? I want John Cusack holding a boombox outside my window. I wanna ride off on a lawnmower with Patrick Dempsey. I want Jake from Sixteen Candles waiting outside the church for me. I want Judd Nelson thrusting his fist into the air because he knows he got me. Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life." - Easy A

Jumat, 07 Januari 2011

ya allah, CPD PMR bentar lagi. gilaaa, barang barangnya banyak bener! ke sekolahinnya gimana tuh? orang tua mana mau. great, berarti harus ngebawa barang barang banyaaaaaaak pake angkot. aduuh. jadi takut. but there is sort of good news :D anak anak kelas tiganya ga bakalan ikut mwahahahhahahahahaha bagus, that means less pressure! bismillah aja deh

really hope i find some comfort soon - v'13

bruno mars ; sings everything a girl would ever wanna hear

oh man

goshhhh im so tired. tadi habis PRA-CPD di tanya tanya sama v12 tentang materi PMR blah blah blah. capeeeee banget D:

Kamis, 06 Januari 2011

she's one of my bestfriends. meskipun i have to admit, kenarsisannya udah tingkat dewa, AYU NOVA RAHMAWATI, makasih banyak beautiful!

why hello there, 2011

new yeaaaaaarrrr! why do i even sound excited? its only a date really. so, thats why i spent new years eve staying up watching a bond movie with rio. and no, i dont have a new years resolution.

liburan gue ngapain? paling ke rumah sakit, makan, nonton, ngeblog ini, looking at peoples tumblr pages, bought books, sama belajar. oh terus tadi lumayan, makan makan sama anak anak PMR :) kangeeeeen. itu juga sekalian sharing buat CPD, camping pelatihan dasar. tadinya sih ga takut, tapi sekarang jadi mulai deg deg-an. mental gue tuh kaya tempe! ga deng, kaya peuyeum malah. andaaaaiiiiii, fisik aku udah lumayan lah. materi, insya allah kalo ga lagi panik. tapi kalo mental, udah aja gue. mampusssss.

ya allah, please, semoga CPD berjalan dengan lancar untuk v'13, semoga ga terjadi kejadian kejadian yang tidak diinginkan sebelum dan saat CPDnya itu sendiri, semoga aku ga malu maluin dan panik dalam tekanan. please, this means alot to me. amin.