Kamis, 23 Desember 2010


haloo. i havent been posting in awhile. hmm alot has happend. for example, i got my "mr.robert" on my foot out, i had a surgery on saturday, which absolutely KILLED! i had it stitched back and got the bandage thing removed the other day, so its going good.

oh iya, hari senin-rabu, adalah acara sparta. itu tuh acara anak anak osis sama pk, tapi pmr harus jaga. ya udah, karena aku ga dateng hari sabtunya gara gara the stupid mr.robert, aku dateng ke sekolah pake baju item item. eh, ternyata semuanya pake seragam. silly me. gue di ketawain deh sama temen temen. whatevs. i reckon the first day of the event was okay.. but i didnt really like the second. people kept asking me, "ser, jempol lo kenapa?" aku jawab, uhh.. sakit.....

terus ada temen yang bilang, yang kebetulan aku curhatin tentang kaki aku, "itu, dia kegigit kucing. makanya kucing tuh dikandang!" aku jawab, "ih, emang dikandang tau. kandangnya rumah kamu." and yada yada yada. at the end of the day, he texted me saying that i shouldnt keep my secrets away from my friends, they were gonna find out soon enough. i felt bad, for making him do that, but hey, i didnt even ask him to.

terus, mamah pulang. yayy! :D i hope shes now a better person than she was before, amin.

hm there was this other incident.. but ima tell you later.

terus dibagi rapot. i was pretty happy with mine :) ga ada yang di bawah kkm, ga ada yang merah, jadi alhamdulillah. but now i have to work and study harder, coz there are still a few subjects that i thought i should have done better in. chayooooooo


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